The UK Nuclear Data Network (UKNDN) establishes a strong connection between academia, industrial partners, national labs, regulators and UK representatives on international nuclear data committees (IAEA, NEA) in order to facilitate the measurement, analysis and dissemination of industrial nuclear data.

Industrial nuclear data are defined as those data that underpin the safety and economics of industrial nuclear operations and processes. The Network addresses the Energy Global Challenge by responding to the nuclear data needs of industry, particularly as new reactor technologies are developed. In so doing, UKNDN will help to foster links that meet the requirements identified in the Government’s “Our Plan for Growth”. UKNDN is mentioned as part of a recommendation to Government in the recent NIRAB report.

UKNDN funds applications for small research projects and research-related travel in the area of nuclear data as well as providing eductaional support through CPD training. Annual workshops are supported through the Network.

The Leadership Team comprises academics with interests and experience in nuclear data measurement: Dr Gavin Smith (Manchester), Prof. Jon Billowes (Manchester), Dr Paul Davies (Manchester), Dr Robert Mills (Manchester, NNL Visiting Research Fellow), Prof. David Jenkins (York), Prof. Paddy Regan (Surrey) and Dr. Steve Judge (Surrey, NPL Visiting Fellow).

The UK Nuclear Science Forum (Chair: Dr Robert Mills, NNL) acts as the Governance Board for UKNDN.